Solutions for originators

Benefit from our experience in securitisation, our compliance know-how and our tech expertise


We understand the complexities and nuances of the transactions

Our aim is to understand your financing needs and our ambition is to meet them by offering you tailor-made solutions.


Securitisation is a secure financing mechanism that allows you to access the capital markets through the monetisation of your assets. It gives you the comfort to:

  • Refinance your receivables
  • Finance the development of your business without additional recourse to equity capital
  • Improve balance sheet structure and increase return on equity
  • Segment and transfer risk to third parties
  • Increase your profitability


Forms of securitisation transactions

With regard to the transfer of rights of the assets, there are two forms of securitisation transactions: True sale transactions and Synthetic transactions

In a true sale transaction, we transfer your assets to a compartment administered by us. The compartment refinances the purchase by issuing securities to the market.

In a synthetic transaction, we transfer only the credit risk of the assets. The assets remain on your balance sheet, unlike a true sale transaction where the transfer is perfect

Asset classes

We do securitisation with any assets that have the potential to generate cash flows, whether they be existing or future assets. In the case of existing assets, you have a refinancing need, whereas for future assets, you are looking for financing.


We assist you from the outset in identifying the need for financing, addressing operational requirements, analysing the pool assets to be securitised, assessing the recovery policy and recommending the structure that best suits your needs.


We design the structure of the securitisation transactions based on your requirements, the preference of the investors and the characteristics of the underlying asset. Our structures are designed to favour a passive management of the fund, which bring more security for investors. This result is made possible by the fact that we integrate the specificities of management from the outset.

Our securitisation solutions meet high quality standards. Together with our exclusive partner network, we develop an optimal structure for your needs.


When issuing securities, as leader of the syndication we coordinate all parties involved to ensure a smooth process.

Investors can subscribe to the securities directly. The secondary market can be accessed via listings on various exchanges.

Issuance Program

We also issue under programs to reduce structure costs and issuing times in order to provide companies with competitive refinancing.

There are two types of programs: single-seller and multi-seller.

In a single-seller program, the assets sold are from a single company, whereas in a multi-seller program, the assets come from several companies.

We prefer to issue under multi-seller programs to enable medium-sized companies to access the market for refinancing.


Our securitisation structures are always integrated into the regulatory framework of the countries and zones where we operate.


Together with our partner network, we take care of all administrative tasks.

Many administrative tasks arise during the lifetime of the security. These include regular valuation, price quotations and the preparation of annual financial statements.

Our reporting tool allows us to meet your various reporting needs by producing standard reports and providing investors with consolidated reports for all of their investments.