Our services

We offer a secure framework to meet the demand and supply of financing

Origination  – StructuringManagement

A dedicated team and state-of-the art technology to meet all your requirements

Africa Titrisation is involved in the all securitisation value chain, from origination and structuring of the funds to their management. Founded by experts with a passion for Africa, our rich and diversified shareholder base is made up of institutional investors, primarily European and African.

The originator in a securitisation transaction is the entity that transfers the assets or risks. It is usually a financial institution or a company. We support originators by providing assistance at all origination stages, including:
  • Funding assessment
  • Assessment of potential problems related to operational requirements
  • In-depth analysis of the pool assets to be securitised
  • Assessment of underwriting standards and recovery policy
  • Determining the structure of the securitisation fund to be create
As investor demand determines the structure that will ultimately prevail, we work to ensure that the structure chosen is the most efficient and cost-effective for all parties involved in the transaction. Our services include:
  • Cash flow modelling to clearly illustrate the securitisation program
  • Customised structuring including credit enhancements
  • Drafting transaction documents and the prospectus
  • Acting as the syndication leader for the placement of the securities
Our structuring is designed to favour passive management, which reduces risk and focuses on operational aspects. Our administration services include:
  • Valuation
  • Control and management of the cash flows generated by the assets acquired by the fund
  • Reimbursement of investors in accordance with the prospectus
  • Maintenance and supervision of the fund’s financial statements
  • Periodic reporting to investors and regulators